Friday, 2 March 2012

Jehovah's Fitness.

I know a guy who's a Jehovah's Witness. He has signed a form where he's not allowed to give blood or organs for any sort of transplant. He hasn't signed the part that states he can't receive the same from others. Charming. 
This morning, I had another charming experience with the JW. At 9am. On my day off. After I'd been out and had received very little sleep. 
'Hi, I'm Anna, I was wondering if you had a moment?' came the voice through the entry phone. 'I'm a Jehovah's Witness.'
'Bugger off,' yelled I, Bridget Jones stylee.
I returned to bed but soon resigned myself to the fact that the night's sleep was well and truly over. 
With this in mind, I decided it would be a good idea to get up, so I went to the window and opened the curtains. What I beheld will stay with me for life: two young women, beautifully blonde, slim and coiffed, bent over an entry phone doing their best to convert another resident. These Jehovah's Witnesses were smokin' hot.
I stared. I stared some more. Frankly, and perhaps misguidedly, I had expected an old woman, covered up from head to toe and wielding a massive bible.
There was only one thing these girls were wielding, and that was sex appeal.
They finished their conversation and turned to leave, and it took all I had to stop myself from shouting 'Anna, come back, tell me your secrets, let me be on your team.'
This time, I managed to stop myself, but I tell you what: I'm thinking about it. And when Anna comes back, I will certainly let her talk to me.
Even if just so I can ask her where she gets her hair done.
Lillie x

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